The Cross, after nineteen hundred years, remains the symbol of a freely accepted sacrifice for others.
Robert menzies, ‘communism and christianity’ broadcast, 1946
The system of local government... is a wonderful thing... Grass still remains the most important crop in the world, so the grass roots of Government are, I think, very frequently, the most important aspect of it because you then produce people who have, beginning with a local sense, and local responsibilities, a feeling for public service. It is the feeling for public service that distinguishes a democracy from all other forms of government.
Robert Menzies, Civic welcome at Narrabri Town hall, 29 September 1961
We from the south are becoming more and more conscious of the Northern Territory, and are realising what a remarkable future the Territory has... the people of the out-back work under difficult conditions, and [your] efforts; skill and cheerfulness [will] make the Territory a great producing area. You are not forgotten.
Robert Menzies, Talk to the People of Darwin, 1954
Fellow Australians, it is my melancholy duty to inform you officially that in consequence of a persistence by Germany in her invasion of Poland, Great Britain has declared war upon her and that, as a result, Australia is also at war. No harder task can fall to the lot of a democratic leader than to make such an announcement... as a great family of nations, [we are now] involved in a struggle which we must at all costs win and which we believe in our hearts we will win.
Robert Menzies, Announcement of War, 3 September 1939
Australian Rules Football is at its best when it is robust and spectacular; when brilliant individual play does not subordinate strong and concerted teamwork; when defeat is not acknowledged until the final "bell" rings.
Robert Menzies, Foreword to ‘The Carlton Story’, 1958
The last thing that you want to have happen, or that I want to have happen, is to have international flying or domestic flying...which inevitably cannot live except without massive subsidies.
Robert Menzies, Speech to the International Air Transport Association, 23 October 1961
For 50 years, in prosperity & adversity, in peace & war, this flag has flown over the Australian people as they progressed to an honoured place among the peoples of the world. May it long wave over our peace-loving nation.
Robert Menzies, Letter given to schools receiving an Australian flag for the Jubilee of Federation 1951
And thus the native hue of resolution, Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought.
Robert Menzies Quoting Hamlet to stress the need for the west to present a unified and resolute front against Egypt, in a television broadcast delivered in the lead up to the Suez crisis, 13 august 1956
Our people, most of whom detest Communism, have refused the Commonwealth Parliament legislative power over Communism. As a democrat, respect and recognise the popular verdict The honesty of the people's approach is unquestioned, but I am bound to express my belief that they were misled by a wicked and unscrupulous "No" campaign.
Robert Menzies, Responding to Defeat of the Communism Referendum, 1951
The historic moment of truth will come when the Soviet Chairman is confronted by a democratic leader who has the power and the personality to say "You go no further" and who is believed. And the only man who can say this, and be believed, is a President of the United States.
Robert Menzies, Discussing The Cuban Missile Crisis in His Memoir Afternoon Light