

Barry Jones: ‘A Strong Acquaintance’ Personal Reflections on Menzies and the Menzies Era

Barry Jones (right) talking to Troy Bramston (left) at the November 2021 Robert Menzies Institute conference.

This week we have a very special episode of Afternoon Light, as we talk to the celebrated Barry Jones, a self-described ‘strong acquaintance’ of Robert Menzies, who is able to provide personal reflections about both Menzies the man and the Menzies era.

Jones used to visit Menzies at the Haverbrack Avenue, Malvern home to which he retired after exiting politics, an occurrence inspired by Dame Pattie who was a ‘fan’ of Jones from his days as a ‘Pick A Box’ gameshow champion. A strong supporter of the Labor Party who served that party in both State and Federal Parliaments, Jones disagrees with many of the decisions that Menzies made throughout his career, and his insights help to reveal some of Menzies’s limitations while also demonstrating his ability to earn the respect of his political opponents.

The Hon Dr Barry Jones AC has been a public servant, high school teacher, television and radio performer, university lecturer and lawyer. He took a leading role in campaigns to abolish the death penalty and revive the Australian film industry, and achieved some reputation as a quiz champion. He served as the Member for Melbourne in the Victorian Legislative Assembly 1972-77, then he transferred to the Commonwealth Parliament as the Member for Lalor 1977-1998. Under Bob Hawke he was Minister for Science 1983-90, Prices and Consumer Affairs 1987, Small Business 1987-90 and Customs 1988-90. He served on the Executive Board of UNESCO in Paris 1991-95 and was Vice President of the World Heritage Committee 1995-96. Barry is an Honorary Professor with the Melbourne Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne.

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