

Afternoon Light Summer Series

The Afternoon Light Summer Series showcases the papers presented at the Robert Menzies Institute’s First Annual Conference titled Menzies The Early Years: Success, Failure, Resilience 1894-1942, which was held at the Library, in the Old Quad of the University of Melbourne on 18 November 2021.

The conference examined the early years of Sir Robert’s life and career – from his roots in Jeparit and Melbourne, his brilliant but short-lived legal career, through to State and Federal politics, his successes and failures during his first term as prime minister from 1939- 1941, and finally his wilderness years during which he delivered his Forgotten People speeches.

Episodes of the Summer Series will be released each Wednesday from 22 December 2021 through until the 26 January 2022. After that, the Afternoon Light podcast will resume regular programming.

The six episodes of the Summer Series will comprise:

  • Episode One: Dr David Kemp on ‘Menzies: Time for a Reappraisal?’ and Troy Bramston on ‘Young Robert’
  • Episode Two: The Hon Justice James Edelman on ‘Menzies and the Law’
  • Episode Three: Professor Gregory Melleuish on ‘The Idea of Education According to the Young Menzies, 1916-1945’ and Emeritus Professor Judith Brett on ‘Menzies’s Debt to Deakinite Liberalism’
  • Episode Four: Dr David Furse-Roberts on ‘A Simple Presbyterian in Politics: Robert Menzies, Liberalism and Anti-Sectarianism’
  • Episode Five: Anne Henderson on ‘Preparation for War, the Trade Union Movement and Appeasement’ and Professor Frank Bongiorno on ‘Curtin and Menzies’
  • Episode Six: Dr Scott Prasser on ‘The Learning Leader’ and Nick Cater on ‘Forgotten People to Quiet Australians’

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