
  • 7 Dec, 2022

Exhibition Launch and Christmas Drinks

The Robert Menzies Institute invites our supporters to join us in our museum space in the Old Quad at the University of Melbourne for an exhibition launch and Christmas drinks.

The first exhibition of the Robert Menzies Institute officially opened on Wednesday 23 March 2022.

We have recently refreshed the exhibition with some fantastic new items from the Menzies Collection including displays on the 1954 Royal Visit and the development of the Australian space industry.

The exhibition examines the influences on Menzies’s liberalism and covers eight key themes, including Menzies as a Liberal, Political Architect, Leader, Parliamentarian, Family Man, Nation Builder, Patriot, and his Legacy.

If you are unavailable to attend the exhibition launch we encourage you to visit us. The exhibition is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10am – 2pm.

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