
  • 22 Aug, 2023

Australia’s Dilemmas: Then and Now

The Robert Menzies Institute and Asialink invite you to attend the launch of Australia’s Dilemmas: Then and Now in the Yasuko Hiraoka Myer Room, Sidney Myer Asia Centre on Tuesday 22 August 5:30pm – 7:30pm (Formalities commence at 6:00pm).

About the Event

In July 2022, Queen’s College at the University of Melbourne played host to a gathering of historians and foreign policy experts, including both scholars and practitioners from the professions of politics, diplomacy, intelligence, and business. The purpose of this Dialogue – convened by the Robert Menzies Institute with the support of Asialink – was to take stock of Australia’s current moment in history by evaluating Australia’s present policy challenges against those of approximately seventy years ago, when the Menzies government was in office and contending with the onset of the Cold War.

We are pleased to announce the launch of an occasional paper written by Robert Menzies Institute fellow, Dr. William A. Stoltz.

The paper is informed by the proceedings of the Dialogue and is structured around four grand strategic tasks that were identified as a result of the Dialogue. These are the overarching tasks that transcend domestic and foreign policy towards which Australia needs to direct its energies to find security and prosperity in a more volatile, treacherous era. These tasks were also what framed Australian grand strategy in the early years of the Cold War and they came to define how Australia contributed to world affairs during the Menzies era and well into second half of the twentieth century.

  1. Navigating Ideological Contest
  2. Accelerating national development
  3. Exercising new leadership
  4. Reforming alliances and partnerships

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