Entry type: Book | Call Number: 512 | Barcode: 31290035198431 |
Publication Date
1963 - 1965
Place of Publication
Washington D. C.
Number of Pages
Publication Info
Copy specific notes
Personalised brown leather folder addressed in gold plating to: “Prime Minister The Right Honourable Sir Robert Menzies K. T., C.H., Q.C., M.P.”. Contents include numerous pamphlets and maps related to space exploration on the moon, Mars, and more broadly across the solar system. Maps include: “The Planet Mars” (North American Aviation, Inc: Space and Information Systems Division (undated)); and: “Through the Eyepiece: The Moon (North American Aviation, Inc: Space and Information Systems Division” (1965)). Pamphlets include: “Surveyor: Soft-Landing Lunar Spacecraft” (California Institute of Technology: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (undated)) – detailing the seven soft landing Surveyor space craft missions scheduled to land on the moon between 1965 – 1967 in order to verify sites related to the manned mission to Mars; “One … Mercury, Two … Gemini, Three… Apollo, and the Moon! : America’s Manned Space Flight Program” (National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1963)) explaining the respective Mercury, Gemini and Apollo spacecraft tests required in preparation for manned missions to the moon; “America in Space: a Pictorial Review” (National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1964))” concerning the progress of a manned space flight to the moon; “Footprints on the Moon: America mobilizes her resources for mankind’s greatest adventure – a landing on the moon before 1970” (reprinted from the March, 1964, National Geographic Magazine) related to the prospects and benefits of a hopeful successful aeronautic trip to the moon; “The Mission of man in Space” (National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1963) outlining the necessity for a man in space and more specifically on the moon; and “Tidbinilla: Deep Space Tracking Station – DSIF 42 Information Brochure – Issued with the compliments of the Department of Supply on the occasion of the official opening by the Prime Minister, The Right Hon. Sir Robert Menzies, K. T., C.H., Q.C., M.P., March 19, 1965” (National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1965)) promoting the joint efforts and ongoing cooperation between Australia and the United States (entered into in 1960) in space exploration projects, and with specific regard to the plans concerning the Tidbinilla Deep Space Instrumentation Facility (Canberra) designed to: “provide another link in the world-wide network which supports the prime control centre of the deep space research programme in America” and assist NASA with communication in prospective manned flight missions.
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