
Entry type: Book Call Number: 1637 Barcode: 31290035249184
  • Author

    Tracey, Herbert (ed.)

  • Publication Date


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  • Book-plate


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Copy specific notes

Bookplate inserted; highlights made in pencil include: [p. 342] “It was natural that the Labour Movement should be violently opposed to inflation, since nobody suffers more than the workers from the rise in prices by which inflation is inevitably accompanied.”; and [p. 343] “The troubles of the last four years have encouraged a considerable body of Labour opinion which holds that this is not now worth attempting; and that it is better to aim at regulating our currency so as to secure stable prices at home as the basis of a permanent prosperity in industry, and so do away with the old succession of booms and slumps, with their accompanying ups and downs of prices and ins and out of work.”

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