
Entry type: Book Call Number: 1456 Barcode: 31290035225200
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    Australian Humanities Research Council

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Boxed set of publications includes: Colonial Self-Government (1956) by Sir Keith Hancock, inscribed inside cover: “The Rt. Hon. R. G. Menzies with the compliments of the author”; Robert Richard Torrens (1814–1884) [published 1959] by A. Norman Jeffares, inscribed in blue pen on cover: “With compliments from A. N. Jeffares”; Australian Gold Discovery Monographs No. 1 – Australian Gold Fields: Their Discovery, Progress and Prospects (1956) by George Mackaness; Australian Gold Discovery Monographs No. 2 – The Australian Gold Diggings: Where they are, and how to get them; with letters from Settlers and Diggers telling how to work them. (1956) by George Mackaness; Australian Gold Discovery Monographs No. 3. – A Short Account of the Late Discoveries of Gold in Australia with Notes of a visit to the Gold District (1851) [facsimile] by John Elphinstone Erskine (presentation copy limited to 150 copies, signed by the editor “G. Mackaness” on presentation page and inscribed: “The Rt. Hon. R. G. Menzies. With the author’s regards G.M. 29 / xi / 57”); Antony and Cleopatra: The fourth W. P. Ker Memorial Lecture delivered in the University of Glasgow 4th May 1943 (1944) by Lord David Cecil; Mallarmé’s L’Apès-Midi d’un Faune: An Exegetical and Critical study (1958) by A. R. Chisholm; Western Influences in the Pacific and its Continents (1959) by A. Grenfell Price (inscribed in blue ink on title page: “with kind regards, A. Grenfell Price”); Australian Humanities Research Council: Annual Report No. 3 (1958-1959); The Felton Greek Vases in the National Gallery of Victoria (1958) by A. D. Trendall; Form and Meaning in Valéry’s Le Cimetière marin (1959) by James R. Lawler; The Birth of Modern Comedy of Manners (1959) by T. B. L. Webster; and Notes on the Dyskolos of Menander (1959) by J. H. Quincey et al.

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