
Entry type: Person
  • Book-plate


Copy specific notes

George Foster Pearce was Senator for Western Australia (1901-38). He was a member of the Labor Party (1901-17), the Nationalist Party (1917-31) and the United Australia Party (1931-38). He left the Labor Party over the conscription issue in 1917 and formed the Nationalist Party with William Hughes. Pearce was Minister of Defence in the three governments of Andrew Fisher (1908-09), (1910-13) and (1914-15). He was Minister for Defence and Minister for Home and Territories (1916-23) in the Hughes government, Minister for Home and Territories (1923-29) in the Bruce-Page government and Minister for External Affairs and Minister for Territories (1934-37) in the Lyons government.


Beddie, B. Pearce, Sir George Foster (1870-1952), Australian Dictionary of Biography. National Centre of Biography, Australian National University. Published in hard copy 1988, accessed online 10 July 2013.

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