
Entry type: Book Call Number: 3275 Barcode: 31290036140044
  • Author

    Cromwell, Oliver; Carlyle, Thomas (ed.)

  • Publication Date


  • Place of Publication

    New York

  • Book-plate


  • Edition


  • Number of Pages


  • Publication Info


Copy specific notes

Bookplate inserted; passage highlighted in margin with pencil: [p. 484] “Indeed you err through mistaking of the Scriptures. Approbation is an act of conveniency in respect of order ; not of necessity, to give faculty to preach the Gospel. Your pretended fear lest Error should step in, is like the man who would keep all the wine out of the country lest men should be drunk. It will be found an unjust and unwise jealousy, to deprive a man of his natural liberty upon a supposition he may abuse it. When he doth abuse it, judge.”

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