
Entry type: Book Call Number: 2505 Barcode: 31290036135176
  • Publication Date


  • Place of Publication

    New York

  • Book-plate


  • Summary

    Inscription: December 1966.

  • Edition

    Reprint (first published 1961)

  • Number of Pages


  • Publication Info


Copy specific notes

Inscribed in blue ink on front endpaper: ‘A 1967 New Year’s Souvenir for His Excellency Sir Robert Menzies in the hope that he may enjoy some references to his old and cherished comrades in Chapters 6, 13, 25 and others, that Chapter 20 may please him and Chapter 15 refresh him as the scene of his splendid speech – this book is inscribed with the esteem and warm best wishes of Henry J. Taylor. Charlottesville, Virginia, On Publication, December 1966’.

Page 25 includes line and note (in same handwriting) in blue ink: ‘Sir Robert’ (marking story about Churchill).

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