
Entry type: Book Call Number: 1387 Barcode: 31290035225218
  • Author

    Australian College of Education

  • Publication Date


  • Place of Publication


  • Book-plate


  • Summary

    Received: 4 May 1961.

  • Edition


  • Number of Pages


  • Publication Info


Copy specific notes

Bookplate inserted; stamped on front endpaper: “Prime Minister’s Office 4 May 1961”; bookmarks between pp. 2 – 3 and 56 – 57. Various highlights made to text, including: [p. 6-7 – quoting Sir Francis William Rolland] “If we Headmasters and Headmistresses can send our children away knowing what to enjoy, knowing what to fight against and knowing what to reverence, we have done something more than be merely teachers of books.”; [p. 8] “the concept of a profession of education depends, of course, on our concept of education itself. If we believe in education as the transmission of a minimum group of skills and a fixed body of subject matter to a limited group of youngsters there is no need for professional educators.”; [pp. 9 – 10. referring to the characteristics of a profession] “A profession is motivated by ideals of service to community and society […] A profession is based on a comprehensive body of knowledge, continually modified and enriched by research […] A profession applies standards to the initial selection of its members [p 10 …] A profession has a comprehensive and integrated program of preparation and training […] A profession administers its own standards.”; [p. 24] “All knowledge is grist to the mill of the educator; but unless he concerns himself with his pupil’s character he remains an informer, a source of facts piled upon one another and imparted to a mind both immature and untrained in their proper usage”; [p. 25 – quoting Mathew Arnold] “Our education then should not be satisfied with imparting the information which a pupil requires, equipping him for a vocation, teaching him how to use his mind. It should send him out with a definite spiritual attitude to life, and the material and basis for a definite philosophy of living”.

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