Entry type: Book | Call Number: 1494 | Barcode: 31290035225473 |
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Bookplate inserted; some highlights made in pencil throughout text including: [p. 30] “Only two ways are open to Man, freedom or regimentation; and only one issue confront him: is his life to be decided by choice or by dictation? Unless this question be faced now, another will arise: is he to exist at all? “To asset that liberty is dead is to say that life is dead”, Croce has written.”; [p. 42] “The worst mistake of Democracy has been to treat conspirators as misguided fellow-beings until the harm was done. This error needs no demonstration in the case of National Socialism; it cost thirty million lives. Yet, while considering the Communist twin, we should spare a backward glance to refresh our memories of the skill with which preceding glutton stalked its successive victims, and of our tardy awakening to the truth.”; [p. 103] “The slow Western democracies were loath to awake to the fact, though Mikolajczyk warned them: “If you continue to call Russia a ‘democracy’ you may eventually regret that statement.” Roosevelt replied lamely: “Of one thing I am certain, Stalin is not an imperialist.” The Polish democrats knew then that their fate was sealed, but still strove manfully for compromise, though Stalin growled: “What is not Communism is Capitalism.” We should all retain that damning definition.”; [p. 104] “[The democrats] were simply threatened with eviction and starvation unless they voted Communist. “The Army Units” – knowing a shorter cut – “had extensive lists of our people who were to be murdered on the day after the election.” The “election” was to be simpler still. “The Communist Commissioners had their rigid instructions. For Stalin’s benefit alone, they must first make an actual count of the ballots. Then they must burn all but a pre-arranged number of Peasant Party slips, and substitute (Communist) Block slips in their place.””
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